Design a website where potential customers can see what the company offers. Once a user lands on the website through social media ads or via a web search the primary call to action of the website would be to get them to sign up for a trail class at a branch near them.
Knockout started advertising on Facebook and Instagram a few months ago and they had a decent click-through rate of around 1% (which is above average) but their conversion rate was around 8% while the average for the fitness industry is 14%, so they wanted to make changes to their website so they could get more conversions via their website.
To understand young adults' motivation to join an MMA gym along with their fitness goals and difficulties, we interviewed users in the age range of 20-28 years living in various areas of Delhi NCR. Knockout's primary customers were people who were looking to excel at MMA but we also interviewed people who were just looking to get in shape to get a better understanding of what customers were looking for.
current customers were scared of getting hurt before joining
checked competitors website before joining Knockout
joined Knockout to learn how to defend themself
who signed up for a free trial class joined Knockout
We started with defining what the problems with the current model were and how we could fix them. After discussing the issue with a facebook advertising expert we figured that we needed to change the way users were flowing to our website. The idea is to separate users based on the information they already have about Knockout. People who come to the website via social media ads already know a bit about what knockout does because the ad creatives tell them about us whereas people coming via a search engine might not know anything about the company. So we decided to send all the traffic coming from social media directly to the signup page and everyone else to the home page.
Final design
We decided to keep the overall website UI dark with red being the primary colour as it fits Knockout Fight Clubs identity. As Knockout already had a pretty strong brand among its current customers we decided to keep the same branding and try to reflect it in the website.
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